
Звуковая карта внешняя Focusrite RedNet A16R MkII 16-channel Bi-Directional Analog Interface for Dante

  • Код товара: 507708
  • Производитель: Focusrite
  • Тип: Звуковая карта внешняя
  • Состояние: Новое
  • Входных каналов: 4
  • Выходных каналов: 4
  • Разъемы и интерфейсы: XLR, DANTE
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Звуковая карта внешняя Focusrite RedNet A16R MkII 16-channel Bi-Directional Analog Interface for Dante
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Цена570 590 ₽17 890 ₽100 900 ₽13 253 ₽618 690 ₽
Входных каналов444464
Выходных каналов444464
Максимальная частота АЦП, кГц19248192192192
Максимальная частота ЦАП, кГц19248192192192
Разрядность АЦП, бит2416242424
Разрядность ЦАП, бит2416242424
Разъемы и интерфейсыXLR, DANTEjack 6.3, USBS/PDIF, XLR, USB, Ethernetjack 6.3, S/PDIF, USBjack 6.3, S/PDIF, XLR, DANTE
Фантомное питаниенетнетнетнетесть

Input / Output Trim
Input Trim: -78 to 0dB in 1dB steps (per channel)
Output Trim: -78 to 0dB in 1dB steps (per channel)
Line Inputs
All measurements taken at +24dBu reference level, Rs = 50 Ohm
0dBFS Reference Levels: +18 or +24dBu (switchable)
Frequency Response: 20h–20kHz ± 0.1dB
THD + N: <-105dB (0.0005623%) unweighted, 20Hz–20kHz; -1dBFS input
EIN: -95dBu 'A'-Weighted (typical)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio: 119dB 'A'-Weighted (typical)
Converter Dynamic Range: 120dB 'A'-Weighted (typical), 10Hz–20kHz
Line Outputs
All measurements taken at +24dBu reference level, RL = 100 kOhm
0 dBFS Reference Levels: +18 or +24dBu (switchable)
Frequency Response: 20Hz–20kHz ± 0.1dB
THD + N: <-100dB (0.001%) unweighted, 20Hz–20kHz; +23dBu input
Noise in Presence of Signal: -94dBu 'A'-Weighted (typical)
Dynamic Range: 118dB 'A'-Weighted (typical)
Converter Dynamic Range: 120dB 'A'-Weighted (typical), 10Hz–20kHz
Input to Output or Input : <-100dB unweighted, 20Hz–20kHz; +23dBu input
Output to Input or Output: <-100dB unweighted, 20Hz–20kHz; -1dBFS input
Digital Input Sample Rate Converters
Sample Rate Range: 32kHz to 216kHz
Gain Error: -0.3dB
Dynamic Range: >138dB
THD + N: <-130dB (0.00003%)
Latency: 11 to 45 samples (network and sample rate dependent)
Digital Performance
Supported Sample Rates: 44.1 / 48 / 88.2 / 96 / 176.4 / 192 kHz (-4% / -0.1% / +0.1% / +4.167%) at 24-bit
Clock Sources: Internal, Word Clock, DARS or from Dante Network Master.
External Word Clock Range: Nominal sample rate ±7.5%
Rear Panel Connectivity
Analog Inputs
Line Inputs: 2 x DB-25 connectors
Analog Outputs
Line Outputs: 2 x DB-25 connectors
Channel Count: 2 x 2 AES3 channels
Input (optional DARS): 1 x Female XLR (Switchable with analogue input channels 15 and 16 at quad rates)
Output: 1 x Male XLR (Duplicate of analogue output channels 15 and 16 at quad rates)
Word Clock
Word Clock Input: 1 x BNC 75 Ohm port (switchable termination)
Word Clock Output: 1 x BNC 75 Ohm port
PSU & Network Connections
PSU: 2 x IEC Inputs with retaining clips.
Network: 2 x etherCON NE8FBH-S, also compatible with standard RJ45 connectors (Accomodates rugged etherCON NE8MC*. Does not intermate with Cat 6 cable connector NE8MC6-MO and NKE65* cable)
Front Panel Indicators
Primary PSU (A): Green LED. Illuminates when an AC input is applied and all DC outputs are present.
Secondary PSU (B): Green LED. Illuminates when an AC input is applied and all DC outputs are present.
Primary Network: Green LED. Indicates that a network connection is present on primary port when in redundant mode. When in Switched mode, a valid network connection at either Primary or Secondary network port will cause this LED to illuminate.
Secondary Network: Green LED. Indicates that a network connection is present on secondary port when in redundant mode. Not used in switched mode.
Network Locked: Green LED. When unit is network slave, shows valid network lock. When unit is network master, shows lock to internal clock.
Sample Rate: Orange LED for each: 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, x2, x4.
Pull Up/Down: Orange LED. Indicates that the unit is set to operate on a Dante pull up/down domain.
Channel Signal Level: 16 Input and 16 Output tri-state signal level LEDs: Green LED (> -42dB), Orange LED (> -6dB) and Red (> 0dB)
AES3 signal indicators: 2 I/O signal indicator LEDs (one input, one output). Green LED illuminates >-127dBFS
Clock Source: Orange LED for each: Internal, Word Clock and DARS
Network Modes
Redundant: Allows unit to connect to two independent networks.
Switched: Connects both ports to integrated network switch allowing daisy-chaining of devices.
PSU: 2 x Internal, 100-240V, 50/60Hz, consumption 30W
Heat Performance
Operating Temperature: Operates at up to an ambient temperature of 50 degrees Celsius
Fan: Two-step Dual Fans which increase in speed when reaching temperatures towards 50 degrees ambient temperature

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